Other names:
Nutrient Family:
Historically, it was better known as the anti-“Scurvy” cure. In the days of sea voyages, seamen died by the thousands from the scurvy disease, and those who were sent ashore had a higher death toll. It was later discovered that :
Vitamin C is one of the 5 known antioxidants in the Network Antioxidant team.
It is recycled by:
And it recycles :
Fat or Water Soluble Antioxidant:
How Vitamin C works as an antioxidant:
Other functions besides being an antioxidant:
o Providing cells with a free radical “neutralizer”
o Recycling Vitamin E, which is a potent immune-enhancing agent.
o Suppresses (some) viral genes – preventing their replications
o Strengthen connective tissues by aiding collagen growth, which in turns helps prevents viral invasion in the cells
o such as - in the production of collagen. Collagen is found in skin, bone, ligament and blood vessel.
Since its is water soluble, it is the most easily transported antioxidant amongst the 5 in the Antioxidant Network team.
Vitamin C is sourced from plants and animals.
Human (and Guinea Pigs) cannot produce Vitamin C and hence, we need to obtain it from foods and/or supplements.
Examples of food sources :
Examples of the health benefits of Vitamin C:
0 Reduce risks of cancer - breast cancer, colon cancer, stomach cancer
It is suggested that people who are diabetic increase their Vitamin C intake. This is because Vitamin C is molecularly similar to glucose, and both require insulin as a mode of transportation in the body. Both will compete to get on board the insulin ride. In a Vitamin C deficient body, the glucose will be able "elbow out" Vitamin C in competing to get on the insulin ride. Hence, diabetic patients runs the risk of Vitamin C (and antioxidant) deficiency; Vitamin C are required both a nutrient and antioxidant for protection from damage caused by diabetic related health issues (such as nerve damage and heart disease). Insulin on the other hand, needs antioxidant to help it get around. Hence, ensuring sufficient Vitamin C for diabetic patients is a triple whammy:
At high doses may cause:
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