Besides food, we can also obtain our antioxidants from beverages.
Well, in most cases these beverages are derived from the foods, or plants, which are rich in antioxidants.
Here are some (common) examples:
And also, there's water ... one example is hydrogen enriched water.
As with natural foods, but the amount of antioxidants the beverages derives from these natural foods, will depend on:
Additionally, the antioxidants that can be obtained from these beverages also depends on:
It is prudent to eat a variety of natural food to get different types and
amounts of antioxidants. After all, antioxidants work best taken as "group" ... therefore, it is advisable to consume a variety of antioxidants rather than just take one or two types.
As with foods, it is best to drink a variety of different types of beverages, to obtain different types pf antioxidants.
In general, antioxidants work best as a "group".
As a rule of
thumb, try to eat or drink the “colors of the rainbow” daily or, at least 5 colors daily, would ensure a variety of antioxidants consumption.
... simply means how much of the antioxidants in the foods, can be metabolized or utilized by the body.
For example:
As such bioavailability needs to be taken into consideration, too; to get the best antioxidants out of the foods and for the best way to get the antioxidants out of some foods.
Beverages made from raw foods, generally contain more nutrients than if made from cooked food or processed foods. Unfortunately, some beverages have to be made from processed foods - such as coffee, tea and cocao drinks.
Juicing helps to release enzymes, but the choice of juicer affects the quantity of enzymes and nutrients obtained from juicing.
Juicing from fresh foods no doubt is the best option but since different foods have different antioxidants, then frozen foods may have to be considered when they are out of season.
In general, dried or frozen foods would have lost some of their nutrients. If a particular antioxidant is needed and, frozen or dried foods are the only means to get the foods (such as grown in another geographical location or out of season foods), then some nutrients available from dried or frozen foods is better than nothing at all.
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