Antioxidant Berries, Berry Colorful and Potent Antioxidants

Fruit Family:     

  • Berries


Most berries have antioxidants qualities, but most contain different types of antioxidants.

Examples of berries:

  • Blueberries
  • Bilberries
  • Blackberries
  • Cranberries
  • Huckleberries
  • Lingonberries (or, Cowberry)
  • Strawberries
  • Raspberries

More on the Berries ... and the different antioxidants they contain

Most berries, with their wonderful array of colors, naturally contain antioxidant phytonutrients/phytochemicals.

Most of the berries are rich in anthocyanidin.

Click on each berry below, to find out more about them ... we will be adding other berries information in the future.

Interesting stuff on Berries

Blueberries, Bilberries, Bog Bilberries, Huckleberries and Lingonberries are cousins of the same berry family.


Blackberries and Blackberries are close cousins of another berry family. They both are “technically” not berries as berries are (technically) in simplistic terms “single fruits” with one ovary (in botanical terms). Both blackberries and raspberries are “clusters of singles” forming one fruit.


Strawberries, too, are “technically” not berries. They have been so famously classed as "berry" for so long now, we shall include them here ... otherwise, it may be difficult for some to locate them in this site. Hence, for our simplistic purposes, we shall group strawberries, under “berries”.


Blackberries were introduced into Australia in 1830s; it is now considered a weed due to their spread and growth affecting agriculture.

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